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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thing 6 - Screencasting

I took a look at a few web sites about screencasting and the one linked here is CamStudio.
http://camstudio.org/  I've never used it but it's free and this article makes it sound pretty simple so I should give it a try.
I have some experience with  Captivate and have a demo on using the Children's Literature Comprehensive Database to find James and the Giant Peach.  It's a first attempt so much improvement is needed - believe me.  How could we use a screencast in addition to what we're already doing?  I'm going to steal an idea from my son, the librarian (& soon to be new daddy :)).  He uses Jing when answering chat questions.  It's a really quick and easy way to help visual learners find the resources when the questions get complicated.

March Core Value - Communication

I attended the very interesting presentation from Human Resources about Effective Communication.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Feb. Core Value - Problem Solving/Decision Making

I attended Pat Sweet's presentation on this subject.  He had a clear and interesting ppt. which I enjoyed seeing.  Some things I gleaned from his presentation about developing an effective plan are:
  • gather folks with a vested interest in the project
  • do not enlist yes men but people that will provide honest input
  • stay positive
  • set goals and deadlines for the project
Thanks Pat for the interesting and very useful presentation :)

Thing 2 RSSsssssing - check

I already have Google Reader and subscribe to the 23 things page now.  I also subscribe to GoBlueRidge.net to get the latest on what's happening in the High Country.  Usually nothing much.  For my homework I subscribed to a couple of library public service feeds to stay informed about how others are treating their patrons.  If customer service was a race - I think we are ahead.  I'm just saying . . . .

January - Accountability

My new year's resolution is to be positive and even more over-the-top in customer service.  I will of course hold myself accountable for this.  I resolve not only to hone my skills but continue to raise the standard for desk service students.

Thing 5 Facebook

Yes, I'm playing catch up during break week.  Few patrons who need no help getting into their e-mail and fb accounts so I find that I have a little time to complete a few things.

I have a facebook account that I acquired to communicate with our student employees concerning training information and issues and what not.  Our student employee group is dismantled at this time so I use it to keep up with my family and old friends.  Funny how the person that sat next to you in third grade finds you - but it's kind of fun.
Three things we could do with our fb page:
  1. We could add some videos to our page to make it fun to look at :)
  2. We could highlight special achievements or a staff or student of the month :)
  3. We could add a few graphics (our logo)
. . . but it's really fine like it is . . . 

Thing 4 Prezi

I checked out a presentation done in Prezi weighing the pros & cons of Walmart.  Is Walmart good for America?  Pretty interesting
Also looked at on that looked interesting and was surprised that it wasn't a presentation at all - just an ad and was way too short   http://prezi.com/mpsawukzkyii/faith-the-final-frontier/